Saturday, October 08, 2005

Brian Tracy's distillation of the Essence of Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich

"Any thought, plan, goal, or idea, held continuously in our conscious mind must bebrought about into reality by the Super Conscious Mind… Do you have the discipline, the control, the perseverance, the persistence, and determination to hold your goal or ambition clearly in your mind long enough for it to come about into reality? This is one of the most important summaries of the Laws of Success that you will ever identify." - Brian Tracy

“The visionary leader thinks big, thinks new, thinks ahead – and most important, is in touch with the deep structure of human consciousness and creative potential. You must gain control over the patterns that govern your mind: your world view, your beliefs about what you deserve and about what’s possible. That’s the zone of fundamental change, strength, and energy – and the true meaning of courage.” – Peter Koestenbaum

Earl Nightingale said it best in a short & simple statement... ...
"You become what you think about." - Earl Nightingale

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