Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Access for FREE 117+ hours of downloadable audio interviews, marketing lessons and transcripts worth $6,997

For a limited time, I am pleased to announce that I have arranged a VERY SPECIAL BONUS for ALL visitors to Beyond Possibilities!

You are really not going to believe your good fortune when you read this, because no - I am not just going to offer you another eBook or CD filled with rehashed, recycled marketing information.

What I have tried to do with this business from the start is to make it stand apart from all others both in terms of quality and originality and this Bonus offer is no exception. What I am offering you - on top of the wealth of marketing advise and knowledge you will be receiving in your Profit Portfolios - is UNLIMITED ACCESS to a truly exceptional, educational Private Site - and what you will find there will quite literally blow your mind.

You'll have access to over 117 hours of easy to understand marketing, advertising and selling wisdom, not from just any old body, but from some of the greatest marketing minds in the world, the prime movers and shakers in the advertising business today. True legends like Dan Kennedy, Jay Conrad Levinson, Ted Nicholas, Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Brian Keith Voiles, Deremiah Phillips *CPE, Bill Myers, Carl Galletti, Joe Vitale, The PR Doctor, Millionaire Mr. X, Taylor Trump, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Mr. Arthur Hamel, and many more...

You'll hear exactly what they do that makes them so successful right from their own mouths in exclusive interviews and seminar clips that nobody else has been privy to before you. This is truly an incredible collection of streaming audio recordings and mp3 files, one you'll want to return to over and over again. Or, if you're like me and prefer the written word, you are also provided with full transcripts in pdf format, which you are welcome to download and print out so you can study them at your leisure.

Just wait until you visit the site and feast your eyes on the treasure trove of valuable lessons - you'll think I've taken leave of my senses to be offering all this as a BONUS. Here is just a brief glimpse of the amazing content you'll be privy to for a limited time as a Beyond Possibilities Seeker.

  • Exclusive 120 Minute Detailed Fact-finding Interview With The Father Of Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson
  • True story about the two million dollar boy desperate for the approval of his parents and how he got rich on the Internet selling information.
  • How to Write Web Site Copy That Sells. Hear legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz teach his proprietary system for writing breakthrough advertising copy
  • How you can purchase almost any internet or marketing seminar material - including Jay Abraham's - for five cents on the dollar in the next 17 days or less...
  • How to publish your own book and sell a million copies. Golden advice from a true legend in the direct mail business, Ted Nicholas
  • Dan Kennedy Recorded Live - How to inexpensively attract a flood of new customers to your business or service. Hidden Persuasion to generate sales.
  • How to create and operate a successful paid membership website.
  • How get your piece of the information marketing business.
  • Internet marketing coach reveals how to package and offer your information products for higher profits and less returns
  • Think infomercials are too expensive? Think again… learn how they are actually the lowest cost method for generating qualified leads.
  • How to become a qualified expert on anything and never have anyone question your expertise
  • How to get your customers to write your sales letters, advertising copy, and brochures for free
  • The Ugly Truth about Joint Venture Marketing Revealed
  • How to set up, approach, and profit from joint ventures business deals and why most people do it the wrong way.
  • Herschell Gordon Lewis—author of 20 books on advertising, writing and direct marketing—reveals secrets of success in copywriting
  • Attitude is Everything – Learn how to make the best First-Impression and Win

And this, really is, just the tip of the iceberg. There are pages and pages of streaming audio clips and files for you to listen to and download, jam-packed with practical and insightful teachings on how to build, grow and market your internet business. These are strategies that others have paid over $1000 an hour to learn, and now, for a limited time, you can access them for free, simply by subscribing to Beyond Possibilities Success EX-tension, The Coaching Newsletter to Support your Success.

Once you have done that, your username and password will be emailed to you and you can click here to login and access the downloadable audio interviews, marketing lessons and transcripts.

What is The Secret of Success?

What is The Secret of Success that icons such as Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Carnegie, Roosevelt, Ford, Rockerfeller, Einstein and others know and practiced?

The Secret can be found in Napoleon Hill's classic best seller, “Think and Grow Rich”. I consider this to be the book that changed my life. Read on to discover how this book inspired me to go Beyond Possibilities and co-create the success I now enjoy.

“Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it” - Winston Churchill

Life is full of adversities, setbacks and disappointments. This is part of growing up. It is only by conquering these adversities, enduring these setbacks and persisting despite these disappoints that we develop strength in our character and competence to back our confidence.

My adversity came when I was on the verge dropping out of an Engineering course in the National Technological University of Singapore. That was a major turning point in my life. Both positive and negative self-talk rampaged between my ears. The potential loss seemed insurmountable while my future looked vague. After accepting and talking about my emotions with close friends and family members, I was better able to manage the stress and begin to explore my options. I focused on the process of charting a new course for myself. I took stock of my life and decided to pursue my interest in business management.

For the first time in my life, I assumed personal responsibility for my thinking choices and made an active effort to plan my own journey in life. I embarked on an active process of setting clear goals and constantly engaged in positive self-talk to rebuild my confidence. Self-help books such as Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and Anthony Robbins’ “Notes From a Friend”, offered motivating ideas that have since became personal values.

In the words of Napoleon Hill, “Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.” Temporary defeat is not failure. In fact, there is no such thing as failure until you have accepted it as such.

I urge you to make it a habit to look for that seed of an equivalent or greater benefit, in every adversity that comes into your life. It’s not what happens to you in life that counts, its what you do about it!

Just this single habit has helped me in so many ways since I downloaded it from Napoleon Hill's “Think and Grow Rich”. I have since graduated with distinction from RMIT University and have a Bachelor of Business (Business Administration, Marketing Major). I have also been recognized for scholastic achievement and excellence by The Golden Key International Honour Society in and was awarded The RMIT Business Dean's Award in 2002.

As for work experiences, I worked for a public listed company for 3 years, where I spearheaded the Export Development and secured the company's first major export market in Australia where annual sales are approaching 1 million (2005).

In pursuit of my life purpose, I am now in the mist of writing a book on self mastery. I am also a Success Coach offering a range of programmes to help people access their inner genius, increase their possibilities and achieve the success they desire.

This single habit that I mentioned a moment ago is not The Secret. In “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill says of The Secret, “The secret to which I refer has been mentioned no fewer than a hundred times, throughout this book. It has not been directly named, for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in sight, where THOSE WHO ARE READY, and SEARCHING FOR IT, may pick it up.”

This secret is often called the Greatest Secret because unlike others it requires that you actively participate before you can “get it”. Because of the dual spirit-nature of things it is and has as Napoleon Hill says, “two parts”. In this light I have not written the secret outwrite, yet it is here on this website and the first part in Napoleon Hill's words is “DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE”.

Now you can download Napoleon Hill's “Think and Grow Rich” for FREE simply by subscribing to Beyond Possibilities Success EX-tension, The Coaching Newsletter to Support your Success.

Napoleon Hill credits Charles Haanel for most of the insights he had. If you want to go Beyond Napoleon Hill, subscribe to Beyond Possibilities Success EX-tension and you can also download and read Charles Haanel's “The Master Key System” for FREE.